Wednesday, January 6, 2010

On hope...

Whenever I watch the Oprah Show I have hope.
Hope, that the world is really a better place…
Hope, that we really can change the world into a better place just by watching the Oprah show (and doing some of the things we see there)…
Hope, that it is not too late for all my dreams (even the really weird ones) to come true.
Hope, that I will make it to the Oprah show one day (yippie!)
That is the thought that makes me really happy and gives me more HOPE…
Hope to one day know I too, will have made more than one difference in the lives of people like Oprah has in so many.
Hope, that my neighbors here on the East Coast watch the Oprah show…
Hope, that they and many other people see, that anyone can make a difference, and hopefully, that will inspire them to make a difference, too.
Gotta tell you, my neighbors here are – well, to put it mildly, to me they seem “different”.
But- I have hope, right?
See, what bothers me is that for the past three of the four years we have been living here, I have given each and every one of my neighbors- the one on the left, the one on the right, the ones straight and not so straight across the street, a total of 5 neighbors, Christmas gifts.
Now, I am just talking about the Christmas gifts.
From four out of five of these neighbors I haven’t even received as much as a thank you note, card or sadly, word. I have not gotten a Christmas present from 4 out of the 5 neighbors for the past 4 out of 4 years.
So, this year, I have decided to not give anything to anyone.
I do feel pretty crappy about that, to be honest, but, at least, I don´t have to wait for a thank you.
I love to give, more than to receive, but in this case or in these cases it just seemed to be so in vain. I mean, you know, at least a thank you, something, and not looks that seemed to say I have offended somebody or tried to get to close, for goodness sake. So I decided to stay away this past Christmas.
You see, where I come from, neighbors were friends, even important allies (remember, I grew up in a communist country where things were different!).
I lived all over the planet, but I´ve never had many problems to turn neighbors into friends or at least good aquantances, but I am sorry that I thought, that it would be the same here, on the rather chilly East Coast in the “neighbors department”.
A freezer chest has more to give than my neighbors here right now, so I give up and let it be.
But I have a bit of hope left, since this is about hope- that they do watch the Oprah show and see all the great neighbors that are featured there- and that they want to have great neighbors too.
Otherwise, I cannot understand it.
I also have a faint tiny bit of hope that they missed getting a nice Christmas present from me this year… quo vadis?

Until next time, follow your hearts (and do not ignore what your instinct is telling you!)
With many hopeful wishes respectfully submitted by


The Girl Without Red Cowboy Boots

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